
Knitting. Cats. Books. Mood Swings. Stuff. Heh.

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Location: Australia

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Life in the Pen

This is Dorian and Lulu in the outside cat run - we live on a main road, so no free-roaming cats for us! They like to sleep in the sun, patrol for any stray cat stupid enough to come within a couple of inches of the wire mesh, and occasionally brain themselves trying to pounce on a bird wandering about unconcernedly two feet beyond the mesh.

You know, it strikes me that Dorian bears a strong resemblance to Crazy Aunt Purl's Bob

Good thing for the day: It's a public holiday. More knitting time.

Bad thing for the day: not being able to work out how to turn off this underlining.


Blogger Chris said...

I love it! A cat run. I've never heard of such.

Hmm, you could go into the Edit HTML portion of your blog post creator and turn off the editing with a bit of an HTML end character... I usually google for the HTML bits I need.

10:31 AM  
Blogger mrspao said...

I've watched Merlin try and catch birds on the TV before so trying to catch actual birds through a wire mesh sounds a bit less mad. Dorian is such a beautiful colour and they both look all shiny and gorgeous.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Brooklyn Handspun said...

Hey there, it's marie from Brooklyn Handspun I found your site from my site meter - I LOVE all the kitties...I have three of my own!

8:27 AM  
Blogger Carrie K said...

Did you figure out the underlining? It might be that the closing tag is at the end of the post. The / in brackets. Helpful, eh? Not that I know what I'm doing in HTML. I still need to figure out how to to the crossing out thing.

Dorian does bear an amazing resemblance to Bob. Cousins?

Poor you and the heat! Being near San Francisco, but inland, no one realizes how hot it gets here (up to 40 celcius in the summertime too). And the winters don't run all that cold. But what do I like to knit with best? Wool!

9:21 AM  
Blogger Peevish said...

Hey mrspao - thanks for dropping by again! Dorian actually managed to suck a bird through the mesh a couple of months ago. He seemed as surprised as we were when a squawking bird was let loose in our kitchen. He was really unhappy when we let it go instead of letting him devour it messily on the floor, which was obviously his right.....

Hey Marie - obviously I am not above blatantly using my kitties to attract people to my blog - as long as they don't catch on and make it even harder for me to get good photos. I never realised how much cats move until I tried to get one to stand still!

Yep, Carrie, there seems to be something in my genetic makeup which says "It's only 40C out there! You can cast on a wool shawl! Not a problem!" If it wasn't for our new portable air conditioner, this weather would be kicking my butt.

2:00 PM  

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